Friday 23 December 2011


ive just finished my placement, been a hectic 4 months but went really quickly. i said goodbye to my boss lady today, got pretty awkward as i went in for a hug and she went in for a handshake it turned into some weird handshake hug shimy thing.

im gonna stay on helping with one of the projects their, so ill be volunteering once a week to teach english to some folk. really enjoyed that side of the job.

Im working xmas day and new years eve, which is fine as need the money for my holiday. gonna be a hectic few weeks as i need to get my essays done before i leave.

work poo
                                                              My new road hog

                                               Lily was very suspicious of me
                                               Blake bought me a hat for xmas
                                               I made Caz pose haha
                                                      Ninja Turtle time
                                                       Blake and Caroline facebooking each other
                                          rad open mic bar i found in Aberdeen, hidden gem
                                                              asked Sarah (the other social work student) to return my usb stick, she  though it would  be funnier to return a drawing of it instead of the real thing.                           
                                    i taped there lunch to various hidden places around office.

                                                   me during  surf comp
                                                   harbour surf
                                                    me at harbour
                                                             me at comp
                                                         wrestling with Blake
                                                        Blake covering me with stuff
                                                        Lilly is such a cutie

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