Tuesday 11 October 2011


Have not really kept up my blog cause been really busy. so apologies to friends and family. so here is a few pics of what i have been up to lately :) been super busy at placement, have had a gnarly cough which im still on anti biotics for, been working a bit at my other jobs and just booked a ticket to California for some sun and a road tripping in January.

                                                  promoting place im doing my placement at
                             saw monks at the one event, though the womans wedgie distracts the eye
                                     carved a cucumber to make the thai folks display pretty
                           have been carting my works pink suitcase to events, not enjoying this
                                                  i got skills
                                                  road trip california
                                                     saw this guys house in a surf film, i dig
                                                    the Saunders mad house
                                           been eating healthy....have lost 4kg :)

besides this i went for a surf down the road on saturday,,,,,,didnt help the cough but i needed to wet my gills.
saw a dolphin also :)

sorry if i have been crap at keeping in touch, work schedule is nuts and its gonna get more nuts.....thats alot of nuts

love and miss you all

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